After the success of James Bannerman’s book ‘Genius’ (no 5 WHSmith Non-Fiction best-seller – available in multiple languages from Italian to Japanese) his new book Business Genius! is now available (published by Pearson, 2014).
Gen!us is now sold internationally in printed and e-reader formats. Please choose from the country selection below for a version in your language and links to online resellers.

New – Business Genius available now
New! Business Genius! Deceptively simple ways to sharpen your business thinking
You can be a Business Genius. And the good news is that it isn’t that hard. In fact, Business Genius! makes it fun. Inside this book are the secrets to more inner genius at work. They’ll help you spot opportunities, pole-vault problems, get creative and surprise others by turning the ordinary into the extraordinary and the impossible into possible. Through an array of highly original and powerful psychological techniques, you’ll soon start to improve:
- Yourself: boost your focus, confidence, resilience and time-management skills
- Your business: drive, grow and hone your competitive advantage, innovation and collaboration
- Your impact: develop your influence, creativity, negotiation and leadership skills. Blast through the blocks that hold you back and discover the clever, cunning tips and strategies that everyone from Disney to Danone and Ferrari to Faberge are using. Then turn theory into action, sharpen your skills and take your Business Genius thinking to an amazing new level.
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(ISBN-13: 978-1292012667)
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